Google and YouTube: CCAC is Watching and….

March 30, 2011 § 3 Comments

We want to say thanks for automatic captioning, and we want to say we need a lot more of it, with much improved quality as well. Your blog dramatically shows us how the accessibility gap widens each minute.

From this source – (readers of our blog – if you see it here first for your own networks, please DO credit the CCAC with your own messages to others) –

“The amount of video uploaded to YouTube is 35 hours per minute….2,100 hours uploaded every 60 minutes, or 50,400 hours uploaded to YouTube every day. ”

We suggest all reading let Google/YouTube know your own thoughts on this, how we need quality captioning to be included universally, the sooner the better. Hey, the CCAC membership might even be able to help somehow?



§ 3 Responses to Google and YouTube: CCAC is Watching and….

  • Note the brief video by former President Bill Clinton, Clinton Global Initiative, endorsing free same language subtitles used in India for reaching millions to read. Now it will come up when you open our website,, along with a short video of a young boy learning to read and write with free TV captions here in the US.

    Of course we’ve been promoting free TV captions for several years for reading to read with the educational establishment, but its priority is more money & training for teachers and existing institutions. Now we need to reach the general public so that kids who don’t learn in school know about a resource to use at home, available for thousands of hours every year.

  • See the brief video by former President Bill Clinton, at the Clinton Global Initiative, endorsing same language subtitles that are used in India to teach millions to read. Find it as the website comes up, along with a short video of a young boy learning to read and write with free TV captions.

    We’ve spent the past several years promoting free TV captions in the US for learning to read but the general public is still unaware of the availability and educational value of TV captions. For many who need help, free TV captions can work miracles, from toddlers, to struggling students, high school dropouts, English language learners to low literacy adults. Turn on TV captions and have thousands of hours a year of this priceless free resource.

  • ccacblog says:

    Hello Laura, and thanks for your comment.
    As you know so well, captioning inclusion is SO very important for literacy, learning languages, online search, knowledge records with transcripts, and much more…plus…for millions of able folks of all ages with hearing loss and deafness who require captioning for full equal communication access. We hope you will join the CCAC yourself, and spread the word to your networks. CCAC needs to build numbers this year, and we love collaborations! 🙂

    to join, go to and find the membership form on the left, open, fill it out (it’s short), and submit.

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